BATES METHOD VISION TRAINER Looking for a career in the health field?

Are you looking for a career in the health field? Become certified by one of the worlds leading experts in the field of natural vision improvement. Become a Bates Method Vision Trainer, teaching Eye-Robics. Eye-Robics is based on the Dr. Bates Method of Vision Training. Dr. Taber has been teaching Eye-Robics for 40+ years and worked with all types of vision problems (see testimonials and case histories). This training course is the original training course as handed down from Dr. Bates himself. Dr. Taber is offering an online teacher training course for qualified people. In the past students were required to come to San Diego to get their training. Now because the technology is available, Dr. Taber is offering this innovative teacher training course online.
This allows people from all over the world to be trained by one of the worlds leading experts in the field of vision training. You only need to speak read and write English.
The training course offered at Vision Training Institute is the complete course as handed down from Dr. Bates to Margaret Corbett plus my over 40+ years experience as a vision trainer and therapist in Hypnotherapy, Reichian therapy and Brain Integration (learning disabilities). My Ph. D. is in psychology.
The advantage of the online training course is that you may work at your own pace. The only requirements for the course are that you have a computer, access to the internet and a view cam camera and a video camera or access to one. There will be plenty of demon-strations, some live and some on video; plenty of personal time with me for questions etc. It is the answer to a lot of problems in the past, having to come to California, arrange housing, transportation and be away from home, family and job.
There is a great need for teachers all over the world. Interest in the Bates Method is increasing every day, along with general movement toward natural healing. More and more people are taking responsibility for their physical and mental condition and general interest in natural healing is rising. The inherent validity of Dr. Bates theories (the effect of mental tension on the body) is being recognized by therapists and educators in many different fields.

A natural method of self-improvement specifically for the eyes and vision; an alternative to the mechanical approach to visual blur. The Bates Method reaches into underlying causes; visual education applicable to everyone through relaxation, movement, imagery and an understanding of the visual process; a helping relationship to people which can deeply affect their inner being. The way in which a person sees and relates to the visual world reflects their total attitude toward life.
The Bates vision instructor is most often self-employed, determining his/her own hours and working conditions; opportunities for developing one's own practice are unlimited; 80% of the population is a potential for the Bates instructor. Even people with 20/20 vision have benefited from instruction as their visual awareness and relaxation increase.
There is potential for students who have had Lasik surgery and are not seeing clearly. There is a possibility of joining with other professionals in the Healing Arts and holding workshops; the teacher practices self-reliance, self-motivation, and reaps the satisfaction of a creative service-oriented profession.
Becoming a Bates Teacher has many advantages for women who only want to work part time as you can work the hours you choose to work. For those who want to make a full time career it also ideal.
A person must have a sincere desire to help people through the vehicle of education and have what I call "a teachers soul". It is preferable that a person has an interest in natural health and healing, but this is not absolutely necessary. The following characteristics are important: an understanding of oneself and other people, emotional stability and patience, respect for the Art of seeing and a strong desire to be of service.
Dr. Bates felt that a person must have normal vision in order to teach vision training. Because of the difficulty of finding a teacher to normalize a person's vision in order to qualify, I will accept people with approximately 20/100 or better (-2.25/-2.50d) vision for distance or reading (+2.00). There is an exception for people over 20/100. If there are two people in an area of close proximity that are over 20/100 that are taking the training at the same time or there is already someone who has already taken the training course, then I will accept them as they will be able to take lessons from each other or from the other until completed. If you have a strong desire and you cannot qualify, then work on your own vision with the Eye-Robics program until you can qualify. This will also allow you the opportunity to find out if you really want to work in this field of physical therapy for the eyes. Those who do not qualify with a -2.50 or a +2.00 or better I suggest that you recruit another person in your area to also take the training. If you are borderline, call or e-mail me and we can talk about it.
Have any questions?
Contact Dr.Taber
Phone/Fax 619 447-7801