Vision comes to normal and relaxed eyes as effortlessly as... scent to the nostrils, music to the ear or the touch of velvet to the fingertips. In the following you will read about how you can improve or completely return your vision to normal and experience healthy eyes again, whether you are, nearsighted, farsighted, astigmatic, hyperopic, amblyopic, have nystagmus, macular degeneration, glaucoma, strabismus, cataract, ptosis (drooping eyelid), bells’ palsy, fibromyalgia, keratoconus, eye fatigue, headaches, dry eyes, light sensitivity or computer eyestrain, Eye-Robics will assist you to clarity and normal healthy eyes free of symptoms of dis-ease.
Having worn glasses for ten years, I learned about the Dr. Bates Method of Vision Training from a friend. I didn’t know there was anything one could do about wearing glasses. I never liked them, but was unaware of any alternative until I heard about the Dr. Bates Method. I went through the vision training process of physical therapy for the eyes, normalized my vision and went on to become a teacher of the method. I have coined the term Eye-Robics because that is exactly what physical therapy is, getting the eyes into motion, to function and into its’ natural normal flexible state.
There are several things you should know about Eye-Robics Vision Training. One is that if your eyes can get worse (not seeing clearly) they can get better (see clearly again). This is what Dr. Bates discovered over 90 year ago. He asked,”If glasses are correct why do they continually need to be strengthened, while the eyes under their influence have been weakened?” Glasses are a crutch, and not intended to be used for a lifetime. As with all crutches, their purpose is to allow you to function (see to drive etc.) until your own muscles are strengthened and you no longer need the crutch. We do this in Eye-Robics vision training.
If a person has a strong prescription we have them wear a weaker prescription (safe for driving) for where ever they are visually. This allows the eyes to function more under the lens and allows continued progress in getting healthier and clearer vision; you treat your glasses like a pair of crutches, using them when you need to see for safety etc. and leaving them off other times to allow the eyes to loosen up and function. As the vision improves, a lesser prescription is needed and the person goes into a healthy spiral of weaker and weaker glasses until none are needed. The number of prescription changes varies with the persons need for clarity in their profession and the strength of the prescription. Someone with a mild prescription may never need a weaker prescription. A strong prescription may need two or three changes.
There is a way to keep your eyes healthy and fit, even if you have glaucoma, or cataracts along with whatever reason you originally went into glasses, such as myopia (nearsighted-ness), presbyopia (farsightedness), astigmatism or any other eye problem.
This brings us to the second thing you need to know. What does it mean to have healthy eyes? If your vision is 20/20 and the demands on your eyes are not causing you physical strain and discomfort in your eyes, head, neck and back, then you have healthy eyes. If you are not seeing clearly and experience getting stronger and stronger lenses every year or two, have glaucoma, cataracts, astigmatism or any other eye problems then you need to consider a healthier alternative. If you look around you and in care homes, you will find that the “Golden Years” are not so “Golden”. So many older people have glaucoma, cataracts, macular degeneration, ptosis (drooping eyelid), etc. Most all of these conditions are a result of stress which causes lack of functioning and circulation over time. This condition (lack of circulation) over a period of time causes deterioration. The medical profession calls it old age, but eyes can learn how to be healthier and function for a lifetime.
The third thing you need to know is the cause and the cure of vision problems. Dr. Wm. H. Bates, ophthalmologist, pioneered vision therapy in the early1900's; he discovered the cause and the cure of vision problems. He discovered that tension in the mind interfered with the involuntary focusing muscles of the eye. In the normal eye whether you look near or far, the eye automatically focuses where you put your attention. This is called eye-mind coordination. We see with our mind first directing our attention. Vision is 9/10 mental and 1/10 physical. The eyes are tools of the mind. Just as ulcers and heart attacks are caused by prolonged stress (psycho somatic illness), so is the vision affected by stress. These stresses are always accompanied by changes: people moving, changing schools, a divorce, a death, career changes, a difficult relationship. These changes create stress and an element of the unknown which evokes fear. This fear is usually repressed as a survival mechanism and never dealt with again.
As opposed to a medical or mechanical approach, this vision training is based on the principle of relaxation. It teaches specific techniques and skills for relaxing mental stress, releasing muscle tension and restoring muscle flexibility. It releases the strain that keeps you from seeing clearly and re-educates the mind and body in good seeing habits.
You may say, "How can Eye-Robics work with all eye problems?" It works with all eye problems because it works with the cause, not the symptoms as wearing glasses, contacts or having surgery. You release the cause and allow the body to do its own healing as it was intended to do.
We are made in the image of our creator, God. The word disease if broken down can be said another way, dis---ease, not at ease with our self. Eye-Robics allows awareness to unfold as well. I have developed "The Rapid Healing Technique" for my students to assist them in dealing with emotions as they come up in this process on the road back to clairity. This e-book is offered as a bonus when you purchase the Eye-Robics program. Click on "The Rapid Healing Technique" for more details.
Eye-Robics is easy, safe, fun and it’s for everyone, regardless of age or strength of glasses (prescription). The Dr. Bates Method which I call Eye-Robics is physical therapy for the eyes. The process allows the muscles to return to functioning and therefore a healthy state allowing good circulation. Healthy eyes do not have eye diseases.
The benefits are tremendous stress reduction on the autonomic nervous system. Dr. Bates says, ”All vision problems are nerve problems”. So the solution/cure for glaucoma, cataracts astigmatism and all eye problems is this natural physical therapy process called Eye-Robics. Healthy eyes do not have eye problems. This natural process teaches you how to have fit and normal vision again and gives you the tools to keep your eyes healthy and fit for the rest of your life. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure but it does not matter where you are visually, you start from where you are. A journey is not taken until the first step, then its one step at a time. It is a wise man who is willing to improve his/her state of being when a brighter path is shown
Check out which of the four programs is for you: Eye-robics hard copy; E-Book; Eye-Robics for Infants and Small Children and Expand Your Eye-Q Workshop. Online teacher certification course is available to qualified persons.
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The only thing you have to lose is your poor eyesight. This could be the best investment you will ever make for your eye health. Take your eye health into you own hands. What you have to gain is healthy eyes for a lifetime and the way to keep them healthy. The eye care field does not have any suggestions for you. It is only when you have a problem that they attempt to fix it. Prevention is not in their vocabulary. Invest in your eye health!
For a limited time only, if you order now you will receive an Additional bonus of "The Rapid Healing Technique E-Book“ and free shipping in the U.S.
The Eye-Robics Program consists of:
Eye-Robics Training Manual / Charts For Building Far Vision
Fusion Rope / Eye Patch / Charts For Building Near Vision
Five CD’s For Learning / Focusing / DVD / Shifter
Because I am so confident that this Eye-Robics Vision Training Program will improve your vision, I am offering the unconditional money back guarantee of 60 days. I have experienced people improving vision consistently for 40+ years. Participants improve 1- 3 lines on the eye chart in my half day workshops. (Details)
UNCONDITIONAL MONEY BACK GUARANTEE ON THE EYE-ROBICS PROGRAM Vision Training Institute LLC offers a risk free unconditional sixty day money back guarantee on the hard copy and e-program. If for any reason you are not completely satisfied, notify us within sixty days. We will promptly refund your money less postage after receiving the materials in good condition.
All other hard copy books and e-programs 60 day unconditional money back guarantee.

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Jerriann J. Taber Ph.D.

Improve All Vision Problems With Eye-Robics Naturally

View Video Success of Glaucoma /Cataract
More Success Videos
Successes and Case Histories of Myopia, Lasik Surgery and Strabismus (lazy eye)
Myopia (Nearsighted)
Dear Dr. Taber,
The Eye-Robics vision drills help my eyes to relax so that I am not afraid to see. Usually, before sunning (one vision relaxation drill) I would not allow myself to see, for fear that I would surprise myself or that it would hurt to visualize something far away.
Besides improving my vision, since I’ve learned to “sun” I’ve opened my mind up to distances that I’ve never seen before
Molly C.

Case History : High Myopia (Nearsighted)
The 34 year old man had experienced progressive myopia since age nine. Prior to starting vision training his vision measured at 20/1600 each eye. His prescription measurement was -9.00 diopters.
Without his glasses he was unable to distinguish people from three feet. He had a constant fear that he would lose his glasses.
After 13 months of Eye-Robics vision training program his vision measured 20/80 in each eye. (He was elated, for the first time, he could go to the beach and play in the surf.
A professor at one of the local Universities, he had not been able to correct papers at normal desk distance nor could he see the computer terminal screen without glasses.
For the first time in many years he could do these tasks easily and see them clearly. He eventually drove without glasses and essentially does everything now without glasses.
Successes and Case Histories of Myopia, Lasik Surgery and Strabismus (lazy eye)
Case History: High Myopia (Nearsighted)
This 39 year old man had experienced progressive myopia since age eight. He had worn contacts off and on for 20 years. Prior to starting vision training his vision was 20/500 each eye. His prescription reading was -7.25 diopters each eye. He started the Eye-Robics vision training.
Two months later he was tested by the optometrist and measured 20/300 each eye.
Six weeks later he went into the optometrist again and was tested or weaker lenses and was measured at 20/100 in each eye.
Two months later he returned to the optometrist and was tested again. This time he measured 20/60 in each eye

Case History: High Myopia (Nearsighted)
This 39 year old man had experienced progressive myopia since age eight. He had worn contacts off and on for 20 years. Prior to starting vision training his vision was 20/500 each eye. His prescription reading was -7.25 diopters each eye. He started the Eye-Robics vision training. Two months later he was tested by the optometrist and measured 20/300 each eye.
Six weeks later he went into the optometrist again and was tested or weaker lenses and was measured at 20/100 in each eye.
Two months later he returned to the optometrist and was tested again. This time he measured 20/60 in each eye. 
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Myopic (Nearsighted)
Dear Dr. Taber. Words cannot express my gratitude for your Eye-Robics program and your hours of care and tender training and guidance. My eyes and mind work so smoothly and my world was greatly brightened. My eyes will never return to the tense blurs that use to be. I am grateful for the tools and techniques in the program as it allows me to keep the good vision I have attained.
Thank you,
San Diego, Ca.

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 Case History:High Myopia (Nearsighted) This man was 32 years old when he ordered the Eye-Robics program. He lived in Tennessee and at the time was a pilot for a small airline company. His vision measured 20/400 each eye. His prescription measurement was R= -6.00 diopters, L= -7.00 diopters. . He wanted to improve his vision so that he could qualify for a higher pilot rating.
He reported to me in January 1986 that he passed the visual requirement for Piedmont Airlines which is 20/50 visual acuity.
This man was highly motivated. This is an example where motivation, purpose, persistence, and dedication pay high dividends.
Career Change….Myopia (Nearsighted)
Dear Dr. Taber
I wanted to drop you a note and let you know how happyI am with your Vision Training Program. I was very skeptical when I first talked to you. I couldn’t believe a program so simple could have such tremendous
I always hated wearing glasses. As you know I was trying
to make a career change, but my poor eyesight would not permit it. Because of your “Eye-Robics” program I will soon have the position that I really want.
I cannot thank you enough. Please feel free to tell others
about the success I have had.
Best Regards,
Mike P.

Myopic (Nearsighted)
I started vision training to correct an imbalance that I felt lingering even after an extensive course of nutritional and physical therapy recommended by my doctor.
Intuitively I knew that I could not be in balance with a daily dependence on an external mediating crutch, my eyeglasses.
Within a short time after starting the Eye-Robics vision training program, I began experiencing the true meaning of balance: self confidence, clarity of purpose, willingness to accept responsibilities, assertiveness and the ability to handle stress without letting it get out of hand. Not only have I regained clear vision after 20 years of corrective lenses, but I feel good about myself all the time.
Johanna V.

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High Myopia (Nearsighted)
Dear Dr. Taber,
I have enjoyed using your Eye-Robics program. I recently passed my drivers exam without glasses after having worn them for 31 years. At one point I was up to 20/900 (a -7 diopter lens).
I can’t thank you enough for this knowledge.
Michael A. N.
Huntsville, Ala.
(drivers license, no restriction for glasses)

Myopic (Nearsighted)---Improved by just doing a few of the Eye-Robics vision training eye drills presented in an article in the “Mother Earth News” magazine.
Dear Dr. Taber, Since reading your article in the “Mother Earth News”, which presented techniques and information about your Eye-Robics program; I have been using the techniques presented.
After 3 weeks, I can see quite a number of things and views that before could only be seen through the glasses. I’ve been wearing glasses for 40 years and each year they become thicker. So it is indeed a thrill to find I can see without glasses!
Many thanks for your assistance.
Sincerely Yours,
Margaret B.t
Flint, Mi.

Myopic (Nearsighted) Dear Vision Training Institute,
I would just like to say thank you for your Eye-Robics vision training program and audio cassettes. . I have been using your suggestions and tapes and am finding quite an improvement in my mental and physical vision. I still have a little astigmatism but am improving as well.
Thank You,
Andrew N.
Milton Keynes
Great Britain
Dr. Taber, I no longer wear glasses and my eyesight continues to improve. I still do the Eye-Robics drills and techniques you gave me everyday before I go to work; which includes 8 hours on a computer screen all day.
This morning I watched the majesty of the clouds and marveled that when I first came to you I had lost the ability to see clearly in the far distance. In fact, close and far had begun to disappear. It was a scary prospect for me and there was no easy solution.
I began your series of relaxation and eye exercises, the Eye-Robics program and in a short time I was free of the stress and seeing so much clearer.
Thank you for helping me to see clearly again.
Daid S.

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Case History : Myopia (Nearsighted)
This man was 32 years old when he ordered the Eye-Robics program. He lived in Tennessee and at the time was a pilot for a small airline company. His vision measured 20/400 each eye. His prescription measurement was R= -6.00 diopters, L= -7.00 diopters. He wanted to improve his vision so that he could qualify for a higher pilot rating.
He reported to me in January 1986 that he passed the visual requirement for Piedmont Airlines which is 20/50 visual acuity.
This man was highly motivated. This is an example where motivation, purpose, persistence, and dedication pay high dividends.

Myopic…..Lasik Surgery
Dear Dr. Taber,
I just wanted to thank you for helping me regain my eyesight. I had Lasik surgery March of 2003. My eyesight was restored to 20/15.
By 2004 my vision was beginning to get weaker. I took your class starting the end of September 2004. I believe my eyesight was 20/60.
After taking your class, by the end of February 2005, my vision was better than after the eye surgery. My eyesight was 20/8 in both eyes!!!
I have learned skills that have helped me retain my vision. I also got in touch with the emotional aspects of vision that caused me to become myopic. By releasing the emotional past cleared my vision as well as learning to relax.
My mother has also tried your techniques and even though she has not done them continuously, she has noticed improvement.
I continue to use your methods and when I have stopped and been under stress and notice my vision starting to be a little weaker, I just start my exercises again, and viola, back in business.
I LOVE HAVING 20/8 vision!!!
Thank you once again,
Lynda O.
San Diego, Ca.

Myopic (Nearsighted)……Lazy eye….
Dear Dr. Taber,
Before doing the Eye-Robics vision training program my world was stressed and my two eyes did not work well together. Now I see the world clearly through my own two eyes.
It’s great to be free of glasses and stress. Words cannot say the many things you and the Eye-Robics program have done for me. Words cannot convey how thankful I am. You have changed my life.
San Diego, Ca.

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Eye-Robics Programs
