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Vision Training Institute LLC.


Jerriann J. Taber Ph. D.

Jerriann J. Taber Ph.D. has been in the healing arts since 1971. She has been the owner/director of the Vision Training Institute LLC in El Cajon , Ca., (a suburb of San Diego) since 1971 (for 5O+ years), teaching the Dr. Bates Method of Vision Training. Her Ph.D. is in psychology. Her expertise is working with natural vision improvement.

She has successfully worked with literally thousands of people with all vision problems, nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (presbyopia), astigmatism, hyperopia, amblyopia, nystagmus, macular degeneration, glaucoma, strabismus, cataract, ptosis (drooping eyelid), bells' palsy, fuches dystrophy, eye fatigue, headaches, dry eyes, light sensitivity and computer eyestrain for over 52+ years.

She is a teacher, healer, hypnotherapist and an ordained minister. Her Ph.D. is in psychology. She is a multifaceted therapist. Her innovation and creativity with divine inspiration led to the development of "The Rapid Healing Technique."

Her vision expertise comes from the original training that she received as handed down from Dr. Wm. H. Bates, M.D., ophthalmologist, the Bates/Corbett Method. Margaret Corbett was trained by Dr. Bates personally. I have kept the method pure, only adding my personal expertise with a background in psychology, Reichian Therapy and self study groups for many years, dealing with emotions as they come up with students. She is also a hypnotherapist and does healing work with the Rapid Healing Technique which she developed through inspiration.

The following is a list of books written by Dr. Taber. The paper back copies are available on amazon.com The E-Books are avilable through Dr. Taber at the Vision Training Institute LLC. If you desire an E-Book, e-mail Dr. Taber at--drtaber@eyerobics.net or drtaber123@gmail.com and request which E-Book you desire. She wlll send you and invoice for the book, and when received will e-mail your copy to you.


"The Rapid Healing Technique" Book 1 ............................$14.95
"The Rapid Healing Technique" Book 2 ............................$14.95

"The Truth About Eyesight" The Cause And
Remedy For Poor Eyesight..............................................$14.95

"The Sunligh And Your Eyes" ..........................................$6.95

"A Primer For Life".....Everything you ever wanted to
know to have a successful life with yourself and others.....$14.95

"Eye Education: Tips For Parants And Teachers
To Prevent Or Improve Myopia".......................................$14.98

"Cataract, To Be Or Not To Be" e-program includes this book, see
Programs available ................ .......................................$329.95

"Sportts Vision" e-program, ImproveYour Vision With Eye-Robics...........................................................................$329.95

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For details and to review the books go to Amazon.com

Books at Amazon
"The Rapid Healing Technique" Book 1.............................$18.95

"The Rapid Healing Technique" Book 2.............................$18.95

""The Rapid Healing Technique" Book 1 & 2 combined.......$37.95

" The Truth About Eyesight, The Cause And Remedy
For Imperfect Sight"

"A Primer For Life".....Everything you ever wanted to know
to have a successful life with yourself and others.............$18.95

"The Sunlight And Your Eyes".........................................$9.95

"Eye Education: Tips For Parents And Teachers
To Prevent Or Improve Myopia"......................................$18.95

plus shipping




How and Why Eyerobics Works | About Dr. Taber | Order Program | Programs Available
Workshops/Classes | The Rapid Healing Technique
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Online Teacher Training | Find a Teacher | History of Dr. Bates | Favorite Links
More Success Videos | Directions/Map to VTI

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Jerriann J. Taber Ph.D. * Vision Training Institute. LLC
Physical Therapy For The Eyes * Natural Vision Improvement
Phone (619) 447-7801* drtaber@eyerobics.net

In Business For Over 50 Years

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