The Rapid Healing Technique works on all levels of the body, mind and spirit. The Rapid Healing Technique book teaches how to get in touch with ones feelings, deal with them and heal them. A complete understanding of the human energetic system is presented explaining how and why the Rapid Healing Technique works in conjunction with brain functioning (right and left brain). Also presented is the effect of healing on the cellular level, the healthy cell versus the diseased cell; the effects of stress, trauma, and fear over a long period of time on the energetic system and the physical body. Information is given on the cause of all these conditions on a deep level and a way to remove and heal them. The Rapid Healing Technique heals present and past lives and other dimensions. It clears the chakras and meridians of the energetic system of energy blocks and the negativity associated with them. It removes karmic energy patterns that are blocking creativity, success, happiness, joy love and peace. It clears the cellular level of many lifetimes as well as genetic memory, which goes back seven generations. It clears belief systems that do not serve us. The Rapid Healing Technique shows how enlightenment can be achieved through gender and the energy system. It teaches how to find the lover within, to have union with self and/or another. Exercises are given in concise order to that end. The last chapter, Journey Into Light, gives four spiritual principles that if followed will bring mastery over oneself. The dimensions (3rd, 4th and 5th) are discussed along with their meanings. The understanding of polarities and the principle of twelve are addressed as well as advanced clearing techniques.
The Rapid Healing Technique is a spiritual journey no matter what a person’s religion might be. We are all on a spiritual path of some kind or we would not be on this planet. The Rapid Healing technique is for anyone who wants to enhance his or her life. The tools for transformation and ascension are presented here for a person’s discernment and to be used for the souls best interest. One can merely begin a spiritual path or can complete one, depending on the evolution of the soul in this earth school.
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